May 22, 2014

When I was first introduced to Caryn, I was suffering from headaches, aching and tingling arms, feeling extremely tired in the afternoon and falling asleep in the early part of the evening. This was mainly due to work related stress. After a number of sessions of acupuncture with Caryn, I was able to report a significant improvement in my health and energy levels, enabling me to accomplish many business and personal goals that I was finding difficult prior to this. I strongly recommend Caryn’s acupuncture for anyone who is suffering from any form of stress related symptoms.

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About Caryn Cobyrne

With over 28 years of clinical experience, I am still fascinated by the power of this system of medicine and it’s ability to change mental, emotional and physical symptoms. It’s incredibly rewarding to make such a tangible difference in people’s lives. Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about whether this treatment is right for you.

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